Mimir finals

Seven Wirral players attended the Merseyside wide finals night for the Mimir, 5 of us fell at the first stage but Karl Whelan and Jim Eccleson went all the way and have qualified for the Mimir final which will take place at 8pm on the 15th May at Hoylake Social Club. This event will also host the MCC final and the MCC plate final, the latter of which will see Wirral team Oxton Conservatives playing.

There is also the presentation of trophies so the Wirral President's Shield team, captained by Steve Lomas will be collecting the President's shield AND the Presidential Challenge. 

The evening will be catered and it would be great to see lots of Wirral players in attendance to cheer on Karl and Jim and to celebrate the great performance of the President's Shield team.

Mastermind - Contestants Wanted


Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Another Wirral player goes for a million!

Helen Belcham

For the second time this year, a Wirral player has made it into contestants' row on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire!.  Following up Jon Stitcher's appearance earlier in the year, Helen Belcham of Soapsuds will be appearing on Thursday March 7th.

Does she have a fast finger?  Will she ask the audience?  Has her friend paid his phone bill?  Tune in on Thursday to find out.

I'm sure you'll join us in wishing her the best of luck. 

Wirral Quiz League Facebook page

To accompany our Twitter account there is now also a WQL FB page which can be found at 
Results and news will be posted there as well as on this website but it is hoped that it may help us reach a new audience and increase numbers.

Mal Leeming

We are saddened to announce the passing of Mal Leeming the long term secretary of Legionnaires team. He was much loved due to his unique personality, sense of humour and quick wit. He had a fascinating view on life and was interested in all the people he came into contact with. He will be sadly missed.

Mimir results

A great night at the Wirral Mimir occurred on Thursday 7th February. An incredibly close final saw Jim Eccleson (Oxton Cons) answer his final three questions correctly to pip Karl Whelan (Hoylake LTC) by 1 just 1 point. Sam Roberts (Plasterer's Arms) and Kevin Mather (Extras) weren't far behind.

Full results from every match played now follow


Preliminary round
Name Team Score
Karl Whelan Hoylake LTC 19
Jim Eccleson Oxton Cons 15
Ian Jack Plasterer's Arms 8
Margaret Howe Bebington Hockey 6


Round 1


Team Score

Karl Whelan

Hoylake LTC 26
Ian McKie Magpies 11
Mike Greatbatch Bebington Hockey 6
Neil Karisa Magpies 5



Jim Eccleson Oxton Cons 18
Rodney Watkins Extras 11
Pam Baker Soapsuds 7
Peter Ferrett Clarence 5


Kevin Mather Extras 18
Chris Weston Hoylake LTC 8*
Peter Maddocks Bebington Hockey 8*
Tony Bibby Magpies 7

Chris Weston won the  tiebreaker 1-0 to qualify


Sam Roberts Plasterer's Arms 14
Steve Lomas Aardvarks 13
Jon Stitcher Plasterer's Arms 8
Helen Belcham Soapsuds 8


Semi Finals
Karl Whelan Hoylake LTC 15
Jim Eccleson Oxton Cons 11
Chris Weston Hoylake LTC 9
Steve Lomas Aardvarks 7


Kevin Mather Extras 1st
Sam Roberts Plasterer's Arms 2nd
Rodney Watkins Extras 3rd
Ian McKie Magpies 4th

* Scoresheet is missing for this match


Jim Eccleson Oxton Cons 14
Karl Whelan Hoylake LTC 13
Sam Roberts Plasterer's Arms 11
Kevin Mather Extras 9


As Rodney Watkins is unable to attend the finals night the seven qualifiers from Wirral are the other 7 semi finalists. Peter Maddocks and Jon Stitcher are first reserves


This year's Mimir competition will take place on Thursday February 7th at New Brighton Cricket Club.

The event is open to all players in both divisions of the Wirral Quiz League and the top 7 players will qualify for the Merseyside finals.

The event will start at 8pm promptly, please let us know if you intend to attend as we are anticipating the need for a preliminary round this year.

Also, if anyone would like to assist with officiating then please come along.

Social Media

I have set up a Twitter account for the Wirral Quiz League which can be found here https://twitter.com/WirralQuizLeagu


I am going to try and use the account to promote the league and hopefully find some new players and teams and I will also post the results up there each week as well. If players could follow the account and perhaps retweet some of the posts we can hopefully raise awareness of the league throughout Wirral.

Martin Prendergast

We have just learned that Martin Prendergast of Gladly Stoned passed away earlier this week. Martin's funeral will take place on Friday 9th November at 2:30pm at Landican. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends at this sad time. 

What follows is a brief obituary that Martin's teammates at Gladly Stoned have sent.

Mart joined us at the start of the 1990-91 season, when the Windsor Castle team moved to become the Royal; he had a relatively quiet first couple of seasons, then improved with amazing speed to become an outstanding quiz player in Challenge Cup, Riley Cup and Feeny Cup matches as well as in the league. He usually scored in the high teens – sometimes higher – and very rarely had a bad game. It was his arrival that ultimately transformed a fairly good quiz team into a title-winning one: his participation has been absolutely crucial to the success which the Royal/Gladly Stoned/New Broom quiz team have enjoyed over the last 20 years. His best season was 2011-12, when he played in all 28 league matches, scoring 438 points. In common with all great quiz players he not only possessed extensive knowledge but also had that uncanny knack of dragging up a correct answer seemingly from nowhere, to the delight of his team-mates and, no doubt, the consternation of opponents. He won the Wirral Mimir title on two occasions and played in the President’s Trophy team, as well as taking part in regional quiz competitions. He will be greatly missed by us all, and the MQL will be the poorer for his absence.

Individual statistics

Dear teams,

We have recently added an individual scores page to our site under the results tab. For now these stats are purely for fun, although we do hope to offer trophies in the future for the best performing players in each division.

If any player or team do not want their statistics published please let a committee member know and they will be removed. Also, if any player wants their individual statistics then let us know.

Please can all teams now ensure that full score sheets are sent to chairman Jon Stitcher. The more score sheets we receive, the more accurate the statistics and also the more data we have for assessing balance and difficulty of sets the more reliable our analysis will be.

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