Full House

Congratulations to  Mike Montgomery of Oxton Conservatives who has obtained the first full house (all of his own questions correct) of the 2018/19 season.

Team Changes - Ship Inn

Please note that Ship Inn of Division 2 have changed both their name and home venue.  They will now be known as Shipwrecked and will be playing their home matches at the Hoylake Social Club on Trinity Road, Hoylake.  Full address details are on the team page.

Early Season Fixtures Published

The League fixtures for September have now been published in the Fixtures Calendar.  The League Handbook, containing the full fixtures, will be distributes at the League Presentation night, to be held at Thingwall Recreation Centre on Sunday 30 September 2018 at 8.00pm.

In addition to the prize giving the evening will include a meeting of the Wirral Quiz League, a free buffet and the 7th Wirral Pairs Quiz Competition, with prizes for the winners. As in previous seasons we have extended an invitation for our friends in the Liverpool Quiz League to attend. 

All trophy winners should be present but all teams are encouraged to support the event.

There are various changes to Team names and venues - the major changes are:

  1. WE’RE FOURTH ART THOU DAVID have changed their name to FOUR STORKERS
  2. LITTLE HOUSE have changed their name to BRIGHT’S BOFFINS and will play at Wirral Liberal Club on Tuesdays
  3. NEW BROOM have reverted to their previous name of GLADLY STONED and will play at Wirral Liberal Club on Mondays
  4. MAGPIES have moved to the Saddle Inn, 30 Withens Lane, Wallasey, CH44 1DE
  5. SHIPWRECKED A new team playing from Hoylake Social Club, team secretary is Caterina Gianota. N.B This team was due to play at The Ship Inn but have moved to Hoylake Social Club.


Andrea Jones - Sad News

Andrea Jones, who died suddenly on Saturday 28th July, was a founder member of the Ovalteenies quiz team. Andrea played for Ovalteenies for many years, eventually becoming team captain, a role she did not relish, but fulfilled extremely well. She even survived a recent team name change to “Cheshire Cheese”.

Known as ‘our welsh correspondent’ she was not only proud to answer questions about the principality, but had a habit of correcting the pronunciation when others ventured answers to ‘Welsh’ questions. She was the cohesive force of her team, ever optimistic, and who will forget the slight groan followed by “come on, team” if things were not going to plan. She was a popular player who will be missed by all.


The Wirral Quiz League would like to offer huge congratulations to Karl Whelan (Hoylake LTC) who has retained his Mimir trophy for the best individual player across the entire Merseyside Quiz league. To win it once is hard enough but Karl now has four triumphs putting him third on the all time list. It should also be noted that Jim Eccleson (Oxton Cons) came second for a Wirral 1-2. Many congratulations to both players

Riley Cup Final 2018

In the 2018 Riley Cup Final, JC and the Jets of the Liverpool League took on Nelson's Fifth Column (Wirral) after the teams worked their way through the Quarter and Semi Finals.  At the end of the final, JC and the Jets, who had a handicap of 25 point, beat Nelson's Fift Column, who had a handicap of 19 points, by 58 points to 55.

You can watch the final below:

Ted Riley Cup Results

1st Round Date 9th April 2018

Game Home Team hcap score   score hcap Away Team
1 Earles 8 w/o v   28 Browns
2 CTK Wanderers 18 54 v 62 20 Outside Edge
3 Tramway 19 60 v 59 22 Wandering Star
4 Rainhill Victoria 0 60 v 55 20 Mersey Bowmen
5 Aardvarks 22 56 v 63 25 J.C.and the Jets
6 Wallaseyans 15 59 v 57 14 Palmy Army
7 Nelson's Fifth Column 19 60 v 55 22 St Francis of Assisi
8 Monstrous Regiment 17 52 v 62 16 Top Shelf

Congratulation to Frank McHugh of Tramway for a Full House

2nd Round Date 23rd April 2018

Game Home Team hcap   hcap Away Team
9 Bishop Eton 11 v 15 Wallaseyans
10 Duncans Doughnuts 17 v 17 St Patricks
11 Aigburth People 14 v 25 J.C.and the Jets
12 Groundhogs 19 v 18 Exiles
13 Oxton Conservatives 6 v 18 Soapsuds
14 Outside Edge 20 v 17 Bebington Hockey
15 Judges 10 v 29 Lever Club
16 Kluggers 6 v 11 Aigburth Swans
17 Top Shelf 16 v 24 Aigburth CC
18 Old Bangers 13 v 4 New Broom
19 CTK Cavaliers 16 v 8 Earles
20 Magpies 24 v 19 Tramway
21 Taxes 19 v 0 Rainhill Victoria
22 Black Horse 21 v 16 Bookworms
23 Plasterers Arms 16 v 18 Leyfield Crown
24 Nelson's Fifth Column 19 v 19 Residents

Mimir finals and Feeney/Rendon Cups

The Wirral Quiz League would like to offer huge congratulations to both Karl Whelan and Jim Eccleson for reaching the grand final of the mimir competition. 

The final will be played on May 16th at the Unison club in St Helens and it would be nice to see Wirral players turn out to support Karl and Jim.

You can watch the two semi-finals below:

The Feeney cup will see three representatives from Wirral, Oxton Cons, New Broom and Hoylake LTC. The Rendon cup will see both Bebington Hockey and Soapsuds competing.

Details of the matches for these competitions will be posted when we have them. The Rendon cup has been won by Wirral teams for the previous two seasons and hopefully this year's representatives will bring the trophy back to Wirral and all supporters are always welcomed.


Division Two promotion

An astonishing finish to the second division has seen Soapsuds sneak the final promotion spot.

They had to beat promotion rivals Wallaseyans and hope that Cheshire Cheese did them a favour against Roundheads.

Soapsuds won and Cheshire Cheese defeated Roundheads and so next season Soapsuds will be making their debut in division one.

Huge congratulations to the entire team whom I believe are the only side to have fielded an all female team on occasions this season.

Division One CHAMPIONS

After five years in a row of finishing second, Oxton Conservatives are no longer the bridesmaids. They sealed the 1st division title with a narrow 1 point win over We're fourth art thou David.

Many congratulations to them and commiserations to New Broom who have ran them so close all season but can take solace in the runner's up trophy and a place in the Feeny Cup.

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