Congratulations to Keith Jones of Heswall Aces who scored a full house in the quiz played on 4th November

Div 1 Player Season Total Season Average
Pos Name Team Pld Twos Ones Score Twos Ones Score
1 Jim Eccleson Oxton 7 42 60 144 6 8.57 20.57
2 David Watkins Extras 7 37 19 93 5.29 2.71 13.29
3 Rudy Noriega Heswall Aces 4 21 21 63 5.25 5.25 15.75
4 Kevin Mather Extras 7 36 29 101 5.14 4.14 14.43
5 Richard Silcock Holy Joes 6 30 47 107 5 7.83 17.83
6 Neil Wright Soapsuds 7 34 50 118 4.86 7.14 16.86
7 Wayne Shaw Gladly Stoned 5 23 43 89 4.6 8.6 17.8
8 Norman Lovely Zelma The Giant Hoe 7 32 41 105 4.57 5.86 15
9 David Collins Zelma The Giant Hoe 6 27 21 75 4.5 3.5 12.5
10 Clive Cooper Gladly Stoned 5 22 35 79 4.4 7 15.8

Div 2 Player Season Total Season Average
Pos Name Team Pld Twos Ones Score Twos Ones Score
1 Mike McDonough Nelson's Fifth Column 6 27 54 108 4.5 9 18
2 Frances Graham Nelson's Fifth Column 4 18 14 50 4.5 3.5 12.5
3 Carol Rixen Our Lady's Birkenhead 4 17 19 53 4.25 4.75 13.25
4 Richard Stephenson Hoylake LTC 6 24 36 84 4 6 14
5 Dave Trent Shipwrecked 5 20 24 64 4 4.8 12.8
6 Mike Anders Shipwrecked 5 19 13 51 3.8 2.6 10.2
7 Claire Nixon McKie's Magpies 6 21 21 63 3.5 3.5 10.5
8 Mke McGann Shipwrecked 5 17 27 61 3.4 5.4 12.2
9 Catarina Gianota Shipwrecked 4 13 8 34 3.25 2 8.5
10 Mike Frimston Legionnaires 6 19 43 81 3.17 7.17 13.5


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