Congratulations to Rudy Noriega for his full house this week. It’s only the fourth of the season.

Div 1 Player Season Total Season Average
Pos Name Team Pld Twos Ones Score Twos Ones Score
1 Jim Eccleson Oxton 10 55 86 196 5.50 8.60 19.60
2 Rudy Noriega Heswall Aces 7 38 43 119 5.43 6.14 17.00
3 Richard Silcock Holy Joes 8 41 62 144 5.13 7.75 18.00
4 David Watkins Extras 10 51 26 128 5.10 2.60 12.80
5 Kevin Mather Extras 10 50 44 144 5.00 4.40 14.40
6 Neil Wright Soapsuds 10 47 71 165 4.70 7.10 16.50
7 David Collins Zelma The Giant Hoe 9 40 49 129 4.44 5.44 14.33
8 Wayne Shaw Gladly Stoned 7 31 56 118 4.43 8.00 16.86
9 Les Silcock Holy Joes 5 22 11 55 4.40 2.20 11.00
10 Keith Jones Heswall Aces 5 21 25 67 4.20 5.00 13.40

Div 2 Player Season Total Season Average
Pos Name Team Pld Twos Ones Score Twos Ones Score
1 Mike McDonough Nelson's Fifth Column 9 36 92 164 4 10.22 18.22
2 Dave Trent Shipwrecked 6 24 29 77 4 4.83 12.83
3 Mike Anders Shipwrecked 7 26 22 74 3.71 3.14 10.57
4 Richard Stephenson Hoylake LTC 9 33 63 129 3.67 7 14.33
5 Carol Rixen Our Lady's Birkenhead 6 22 25 69 3.67 4.17 11.5
6 Mke McGann Shipwrecked 7 24 31 79 3.43 4.43 11.29
7 Claire Nixon McKie's Magpies 8 27 28 82 3.38 3.5 10.25
8 Lester Forster Wallaseyans 7 23 32 78 3.29 4.57 11.14
9 Les Kelly Our Lady's Birkenhead 9 29 38 96 3.22 4.22 10.67
10 Nigel Adams Taxes 9 28 46 102 3.11 5.11 11.33
