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Welcome to the new 2024/2025 season of the Wirral Quiz League-please find below notes concerning the forthcoming season.

AGM-WIRRAL QL-was held in June 2024

2 proposals were raised in recent AGM and passed unanimously:

It was agreed that the local Mimir Competition would take place on a Monday evening rather than the present Thursday-this is an attempt to increase attendance. It will still be held at New Brighton Cricket Club on Monday 17th February 2025.

Secondly-It was decided to re-introduce refreshments at League matches. It was also decided that this was not compulsory but that all teams should be aware of which teams are opting so that they can decide not to provide refreshments to those opponents.  To this end I will compile a list of teams opting out which will be circulated so please let me know only if your team are UNABLE to supply refreshments. 

Also, at our AGM, we discussed ideas on how to expand the league. It was suggested that we hold an Open Day, possibly a Saturday, and issue an invitation to local schools, colleges, clubs etc  to participate in team and table quizzes. We would need a suitable venue and volunteers to organise such an event-please contact Pam or me in the first instance to take this idea further.

LEAGUE COMPOSITION-Clarence Rovers and Browns of Division 2 have resigned from the league after many years-as there were no new entrants the league would now consist of 2 equal divisions of 9 teams.

In view of the reduction of teams it was decided not to include “blank” weeks and incorporate a mid-season break.

The main amendments to existing teams are as follows:-

Tia the Hazel Gnome have changed their name to Zelda the Giant Hoe

Thingwall Exiles  have changed their name to Heswall Aces

Oxton Conservatives are now to be known as Oxton-same venue

McKies Magpies have a new venue-Stanley’s Pub, 83 Seaview Road,Wallasey,CH45 4LE phone  07354 022491-same playing night Monday

There are a few minor changes to email addresses etc but these will be incorporated in the new handbook and the web site will be updated.

Early season fixtures are attached-please note the later start date this term.

ABSENT FRIENDS TROPHY-this new Wirral only Handicap competition proved very successful last season and will take place again at the end of this season. I have assumed that all teams will wish to enter-please advise me if you do NOT wish to take part.

Please note that the Riley Cup, the Handicap competition for Wirral AND Liverpool teams will still run in April 2025

MQL CHALLENGE CUP-Wirral participation in this competition continues to be poor. It is now played on line on Wednesdays during the season and teams are now permitted to field 1 player from another Wirral team. Please reconsider entering this prestigious tournament.

MQL PAIRS/BUZZER QUIZ -these competitions will take place as follows:

PAIRS-Prescot Cables FC Prescot L34 6HB 8pm Wednesday 23rd September 2024 8pm

Pairs are drawn on the night-All Wirral players welcome.

BUZZER QUIZ-Hoylake Parade Community Centre Saturday 15th February 2025

Any player wishing to represent Wirral should contact Pam for details.

PRESENTATION NIGHT-will take place this year at Oxton Conservative Club on Sunday 29th September 2024 8pm-in addition to the Prize Giving the evening will involve a meeting of the Wirral Quiz League and the Wirral Pairs Competition. As in previous seasons we will extend an invitation to our friends from the Liverpool Quiz League.

Handbooks will be distributed on the night-all trophy winners should attend and all teams are encouraged to support this event.

Can holders of existing trophies return their awards for re-engraving if you haven’t already done so.

Please ensure that you pass this newsletter to other members of your squad.

If you require any further information on any of the points raised-let me know


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