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Success for Wirral QL!

With two games remaining in the final round of matches, played 22 February, Wirral sat third in the table with 16 points behind Ormskirk (20) and Liverpool 2A (17). We firstly defeated Liverpool 2A with Ormskirk defeating Warrington.

We then had a resounding victory against Warrington and Liverpool 2A defeated Ormskirk, which meant Wirral and Ormskirk were tied on 24 points. To decide the winners of the Shield, points difference was taken into account and, thanks to our final big win, Wirral were declared the winners!

Congratulations to the team - Joe Davies, Pam Baker, Steve Lomas and Mike McDonough. Many thanks too for guest appearances from Caroline Kay and Len Davies for stepping in while yours truly was Down Under!

Steve Lomas (team captain)

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