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Welcome to the new 2016/2017 term of the Wirral Quiz League.  Fixtures for the first seven weeks have been added to the calendar, and the league handbooks will be distributed at the presentation evening on 25 September.

There have been no changes in league composition, and there will therefore still be be a free week for both divisions which will make it easier to accommodate any new team should they be recruited. If you are aware of any interested parties or if your squad could form a second team please let me know as soon as possible

Most details are as in the last season’s handbook except for the following major changes:-

NOT FORTHCOMING have changed their name to STILL NOT FORTHCOMING-Secretary’s phone number is 0151 648 9713

ROUNDHEADS have a new Secretary Martin Roberts 0151 201 0340

PLASTERERS have a new Secretary Jon Sticher 07929830219

There are some minor changes to email addresses etc which will be incorporated into the new handbook which will contain full fixtures and be distributed on the Presentation Night.

PRESENTATION NIGHT will take place again this year at Thingwall Recreation Centre on Sunday 25th September 2016 at 8.30pm

In addition to the prize giving-the evening will include a meeting of the Wirral Quiz League a free buffet and the 5th Wirral Pairs Quiz Competition with prizes for the winners. All trophy winners should be present but all teams are encouraged to support the event

The league AGM took place in June and a vote of thanks was passed to Steve Lomas(Aardvarks)for compiling fixtures, to Margaret Howe(Bebington Hockey) for typing the quiz sets, to our Results Secretaries Brian Braid and Dave Lawson, to Paul Davitt of the Liverpool Quiz League for organising the Riley Cup again, to Chris Quinn for maintaining and updating the website and to Thingwall Recreation Club and New Brighton CC for hosting our meetings, and Mimir competition

Congratulations were extended to Karl Whelan who was runner up in the Mimir Finals-to Hoylake LTC for winning the Rendon Cup and to Oxton Cons as runners up in the Riley Cup

Jon Sticher of Plasterers has agreed to organise a Wirral Division 2 team to play in the President’s Shield competition. The team will play at Thingwall Recreation Centre on Wednesdays throughout the season. Any Division 2 player who would be interested in playing in this competition should contact Jon (contact number above) at jonstitcher@hotmail.com

Cliff Houghton is standing down as General Secretary of the MQL and his role is being taken by Brian Thompson of the Liverpool Quiz League 0151 522 9144 briathom59@gmail.com


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