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Congratulations to the Plasterers Arms who last night won the Absent Friends Trophy after narrowly missing out in the final last year. It was great to see the event supported by so many spectators.

In the semi-finals, Plasterers defeated Wallaseyans and Nelson's Fifth Column beat Soapsuds.
The Final was a close affair with Plasterers just pulling ahead at the end.

Well done to Jon, who scored well in both matches, and his team and from Nelson's a good score by Frances in the semi and Mike in the Final kept Nelson's in it right till the end.

Many thanks to all teams who participated, it was a very enjoyable competition and the Group phase worked well, so every team had at least 3 matches.

Great thanks are due to Caroline from Soapsuds for providing the wonderful refreshments,
And last but not least, thanks to Kris for providing all the questions for the 6 quizzes - well done!

Hope you all enjoy a good summer and look out for the WQL AGM which will be held some time in June.

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